Muddy Boots Sleepovers Affliate
Do you love Muddy Boots Sleepover parties? Would you like making money from telling your friends and followers about Muddy Boots?
Become a Muddy Boots affiliate and earn £10 - £50 each time someone books a party using your unique code, its that simple.
Firstly you need to register with Muddy Boots Sleepovers affliate, by filing out the form above. Once completed you will be taken to your dashboard where you will be able to view your commision, generate affliate links, collect your commision and click through rates.
Once you have created your unique affiliate link you can now share that with your followers and friends. EIther by adding it to your blog, a swipe up in an Instagram story, Facebook post, in your bio or send directly as an email.
Nows the best bit, when your followers use your code to book a sleepover party with Muddy Boots you will get a percentage of their booking fee. You will get a percentage of their entire booking, that includes the sleepover party, personalised items, balloons and lots more.